***SPECIAL PROMO CODE! Use code GROWCAST at www.dragonsflamegenetics.com to receive a special GrowCast Listener Discount! Thank you DFG!*** Today's episode features Jeff from Dragon's Flame Genetics for a follow up Breeder Feature! Last time we spoke Jeff had filled us in on his work on the Dragon's Stash F2, and updates us on all the incredible crosses he's been working on. He highlights the Mac Dragon, a very special Mac cross that Jordan has his eye on. Jeff also talks about his relocation to Hawaii, which leads to a much larger conversation about dealing with different climates for growing cannabis, humidity, micro-climates, Hawaiian geography, Hawaiian coffee production- and more! Jeff also teases his upcoming projects, and highlights a few other incredible delicious strains like Orange Dream and Dragon's Dream!

---Today's partner is harvestmutualseedbank.com for all your genetic needs, get free shipping with promo code GROWCAST and when you're ready to save 10% on seeds plus free shipping join mygrowpass.com---

---Proud partners of Diamond Cut Co, premium trimming scissors for growers! Use promo code growcast 15% off, and members of mygrowpass.com get 25% off their scissors! diamondcutco.com---

---Make sure to visit www.cocoforcannabis.com to join Jordan in the C4C grow challenges, peruse the cultivation resources, hop in live chat, and more! C4C and GrowCast, a match made in heaven!---