If you’ve ever participated in a business partnership, you know that it takes a TON of work to make sure all partners are on the same page, mitigate conflicts, divvy up tasks, and on and on and on. In this episode, Matt & I dive into our experience as partners in Studio Sherpas, and share a big announcement about the future of the community.

We’ve always seen each other as friends first, business partners second. And after two and a half years of working, it is time to take a moment to reflect on what’s helped us get this far, some of the challenges we’ve faced including lessons learned from mistakes along the way, and why it’s so crucial to constantly be making sure your priorities are in order when it comes to your business and the rest of your life.

Listen in for a brief history of Studio Sherpas, and an announcement from Matt about the future of the podcast. We will also discuss how working smarter is always better than working harder, and how influential the Studio Sherpas community is.

Do you have any stories - good or bad - about business partnerships you’ve been involved in? Let us know in the comments!


In This Episode:

A big announcement about the future of Studio Sherpas (don’t worry, it’s not bad!) The pros and cons of business partnerships and what it takes to make them work How our relationship has helped us grow and create an engaged community Why it’s up to you as the leader of your team to constantly be setting the tone Why you always need to be checking in with your priorities in life and business



“Knowing that there weren’t a lot of video conferences left anymore, because we attended all of them, we decided to create an online consulting coaching business where we can help videographers and filmmakers who are trying to take a go at this business, and Studio Sherpas was born.” (6:09) 

“The involvement I have had in Studio Sherpas has helped me grow as a person and as a business owner.” (9:05)

“Knowing personalities, knowing what makes people tick, knowing how to put people in the right seats, it is something we have learned and we had to learn it together as partners” (14:35) 

“The quote that stands out to me is, ‘you don’t learn until you launch’. I can’t imagine not having launched Studio Sherpas, and not having this community of people that we have gotten to know and grow with. It’s been beautiful, it’s been amazing, it’s been tough. But it’s been so good and so rich and I am taking many life lessons away. I can’t wait to see the podcast continue.” (26:11)



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