When did you last set aside some time to think strategically about the direction of your business, assess what you’ve been doing well (or not) and set goals for where you want to head in the future? We know that this can be a difficult commitment to make, but Matt and I both believe it’s one of the best things that you can do for both your business and your personal life. We’re guessing that if you’re anything like us, once you start the goal-setting process, you’ll quickly get addicted to it.

Today, we are talking all about what did and didn’t work in 2017 and what our goals are for 2018. We break down how to come up with them, how to achieve them, and how clarity and reflection can ultimately help you succeed and move your business forward.

We also dive into the necessity of accountability, whether that comes from friends and family, community-driven, or a coach. Whoever it is, having accountability is one of the best things you can do to keep moving forward and progressing your business in the way you want. As always, we give some real-life examples from our businesses to help illustrate the do’s and don'ts, so you can avoid some of the hurdles we have struggled with.

If you want to push your business to the next level, this episode will lay out the game plan that we’ve used to gain traction with our businesses and grow consistently.

Do you write out your goals? If so, do you prefer yearly or quarterly? How have they helped your business or life? Leave us a comment below!


In this episode:

Why both goal setting and reflection are essential for the success and growth of your business How to come up with goals, and what makes a good goal. The four questions to answer for clarity on any subject matter The importance of having accountability to your goals



“When you can create these goals, whether its every 90 days or once a year and say “what do I want to achieve this year and who can I invite alongside me to keep me accountable for these things?” That is how we move forward as people. That’s how we grow as people. When we work on our person instead of just in our ordinary lives.” (7:54)

“Set some goals that are achievable, attainable and start small. That’s okay to do if you're not used to setting goals.” (10:40)

“If you want to build a business that is sustainable and that's growing, you have to be learning. You have to be growing. You have to be moving forward. You have to be figuring out what am I doing that’s not working as well as it should. If you’re not creating that time and that space then what’s going to happen is fast forward a year, five years and you are going to be the business that is out of touch.” (23:16)



Studio Sherpas 90 Day Plan

Find Traction on Amazon or Audible 

Check out Studio Sherpas Episode 43 with the author of Traction, Gino Wickman


* Some of the above links are affiliate links, but as you know by how much I gush about this book, I really believe it can help you and your business!