Today on the show we take a bit of a scientific look at one of the most valuable tools for generating new clients - referrals. Stacey Brown Randall has developed a system for building your business into one that thrives by using client referrals, all without ever having to awkwardly ask for them. Once you are able to capitalize on good, quality referrals you will realize just how much impact they can have for your business while investing very little time. This healthy system of referrals can be your key to developing a more sustainable business than you have ever had before. Your clients are human beings, if you treat them with the care and respect that they deserve and be intentional with your relationship with them, then you will develop sincerely loyal referral sources that feel good about referring you. 

Key Takeaways  Referrals can be your most valuable and time-efficient source of new clients. Develop a referable client experience that goes beyond the work that you provide to make people want to refer you. Focus on impacting how your referral sources feel about you. Create reasonable and effective touch points to foster healthy relationships with your referral sources. About Stacey Brown Randall

Stacey Brown Randall is the multiple award-winning author of Generating Business Referrals Without Asking, host of the Roadmap to Grow Your Business podcast, and national speaker. 

Stacey teaches business owners how to generate referrals naturally… without manipulating, incentivizing or even asking. 

She has been featured in national publications like Entrepreneur magazine, Investor Business Daily, Forbes, and more. She received her Master’s in Organizational Communication and is married with three kids.

In This Episode  [0:00] Welcome to the show! [4:03] Meet Stacey Brown Randall [5:06] Stacey’s business background [16:32] The value of a successful referral system [24:26] Making the referral process feel genuine and natural [27:17] The science of referrals [31:15] Setting up your business for referrals [35:41] Key referral tactics [42:55] How to start a healthy relationship with your referral sources [47:29] Connect with Stacey Brown Randall [49:23] Outro Quotes

“I know everybody can do anything for a short amount of time. But I needed something for longevity.” [9:59] - Stacey Brown Randall

“To get to a point where a client would actually want to refer you, it's not just the work you produced, because if it were just the work you produced, every single client you've ever had that you've done great work for would be referring you.” [32:45] - Stacey Brown Randall

“When we can impact how our referral source feels about us, we've then earned the opportunity to direct how they think about us.” [39:40] - Stacey Brown Randall

“Here's the number one question people need to ask themselves. Do I believe that I should take care of the people who take care of my business? And if your answer to that is yes, then you probably need a plan in place to actually show them that gratitude.” [41:12] - Stacey Brown Randall


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