Once you get into marketing, there are countless things you can do. As entrepreneurs, this gives us many opportunities to try different strategies and apply them. But strategy without vision won’t get you anywhere. Today’s guest describes how staying focused on what’s most important will lead to more business.

Key Takeaways

The secret to getting repeat clients is to follow up with them after the project. Get in touch a month after you’re done. There’s likely something else you can do for them.

About Ryan Snaadt

Ryan is a videographer, marketing strategist, and owner/operator of Snaadt Media Group.

Snaadt (it rhymes with odd) discovered his interest in video during his sophomore year of college while shooting weight lifting videos or his YouTube channel.

Since 2015, Ryan has had the pleasure of working with a variety of clients ranging from national brands including Schutt Sports and Primo Chalk to social media influencers, taking him across the country creating content. He truly loves the process of learning new areas of video and connecting passionate people with their target audience. In addition to shooting, Ryan also consults and speaks on topics surrounding online marketing and using video to grow brands.

Apart from creating videos, he also teaches other videographers how to build businesses of their own via his YouTube channel, Facebook Group, and online course, Solo Video Pro.

Winning Strategies to Get Repeat Clients

Throughout this episode, Ryan shares some of his most successful sales strategies. His favorite method doesn’t even happen until the initial project is over. Ryan always follows up with a client several weeks after delivering the project. Many times, this reminds the client that there is more work they’d like him to do for them.

We want our videos to help clients find success. With that in mind, ask them at the start what success looks like to them. Then you can work backward from that goal. If you help them get success on one video, they’ll be that much more eager to work with you again.

Your Filming Process as Marketing

Potential clients are often interested in your process as much as they are in your product. Ryan uses this to his advantage by creating behind-the-scenes videos of his shoots. In fact, both of us have seen social media posts of our processes garner lots of attention. This helps clients better connect with you when they consider you for their project.

Clarity is the Key to Progress

More than anything, Ryan credits having clarity to leading to sustained success. You need to know what it is you want out of your business. For some, it may be the opportunity to shoot videos all day. For others, it could be connecting with different brands. Whatever the case, knowing what you want from your work will give you something to work towards and a measurement for your success.

So, imagine what your perfect job would look like. Be specific. If you can become clear on that, you can move towards it. You’ll be more motivated because you can easily see your progress.

What does your perfect job look like? How is that vision a motivator for you? Leave a comment on the episode page!

In This Episode:

What it means to be in charge of marketing strategy [7:45] The number 1 way to secure repeat business from a client [11:25] How to use behind-the-scenes footage for marketing [19:10] What happens when your vision and goals are clear to you [22:20] Resources to help achieve financial clarity [32:00]


“I want to put recurring revenue in your business for having marketing clients that pay on an ongoing basis. We have people who help with their marketing so they don’t have to hire on a whole internal team.” [8:16]

“It’s proactively solving problems and the money just comes that way. And it’s not even sales at that point; it’s just helping people out with your skillset.” [15:00]

“If you want to go full-time as a freelancer, that’s cool. Just have a really clear reason why.” [40:41]


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Solo Video Pro

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Meaning Over Money

Dave Ramsey

High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard

Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

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