Are you hustling and grinding nonstop? Are you trying to do everything in your business? There are so many things that we do in our business that are a waste of time. Today’s guest is here to tell you how to stop wasting energy on the minutiae of business and start focusing on the parts you love the most.

Key Takeaways

The first step to implementing systems is to examine your business strategy. You need to be clear on what you're selling and who you’re selling it to.

Delegating small tasks in your business adds up quickly. This will free up significant time for you to focus on the work that truly matters to you.

About Austin Netzley

Austin is an author, investor, and business growth advisor. He is the Founder and CEO of 2X, helping 6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs get free from the day-to-day grind and start scaling faster than ever.

In less than three years, 2X has helped private clients generate over $211 Million and counting while in the 2X one-on-one coaching programs. Austin has outlined their methodology in his book From 6 to 7 Figures that authority Dan Martell calls “the playbook entrepreneurs NEED.”

Free Yourself From Your Business

As entrepreneurs, we get into this business to make an impact and have freedom and flexibility as we do it. Yet, too often we get bogged down with the details of running a business. Austin explains why implementing the right systems will free you from this trap. By systemizing and mechanizing all the non-creative aspects of your business, you’ll free yourself up to do the work that you actually feel called to do.

The first thing to do is get really clear on who you serve. By streamlining your business so that you serve a particular type of client, you’ll eliminate many possible complications. You’ll then be ready to easily replicate what you do.

Mindset and Mission

Austin explains how much of this comes down to mindset. You need to be clear on what your mission is. The better you understand this, the better you’ll understand how to get there. This will help you realize what you can actually do to move your business forward. 

It’s important not to try to change everything at once. Austin emphasizes the importance of small incremental change. By systematizing one thing at a time, you’ll make incremental improvements that will add up. Over a short amount of time, you’ll transform your business and your role in it.

What small task in your business can you start delegating today? What parts of your business align with your zone of genius? Leave a comment on the episode page!

In This Episode:

Getting out of the day to day grind [5:15] Creating systems that support your creative side [9:00] What to prioritize as your business grows [16:15] Why it’s crucial to start by reframing your mindset around time and its value [22:00] Getting the financial side of your business in order [30:35] The best kind of marketing for you and your business [34:50]


“Systems provide the structure to have all the freedom that we want.” [9:19]

“If we’re getting stuff off our plate every single day, you’re going to be in a whole new reality within a matter of weeks.” [20:51]

“Growth begins with fulfillment and don’t forget the best leads you can get are the customers you already got.” [35:39]


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From 6 to 7 Figures

Your World-Class Assistant by Michael Hyatt

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