If you’re not working with the clients and budgets you’d like, the problem may lie in your website. What does the copywriting on it look like? Is it helping your ideal client find you? If not, it’s time to reassess the story you’re telling.

Josh Cantrell is the founder of Signal Brandworks, a messaging and copywriting agency that helps people find the right words to sell more. Josh is also a certified Storybrand guide and a Ray Edwards Certified Direct Response copywriter.

Josh and I discuss why you need to care about copywriting if your business is to thrive. Proper copywriting is what gets your message across and sets you apart from the competition. It comes down to having the right framework in place. With that established, the right ideas and words will follow.

To achieve this, you need to identify what it is that makes you special. We’re each individuals with unique qualities. Making that your brand will automatically distinguish yourself. That being said, don’t focus on yourself. Instead, make the focus on what your clients receive from you.

How can you make your clients the heroes of their own stories? Let’s talk in the comments on the episode page!


In this episode

Why videographers should care about copywriting Establishing the right frameworks for creating successful copy What it takes to make a clear and compelling website How to turn your copy into a compelling story Being clear on what you don’t do as well as what you love to do



“If you have the right framework, then the ideas come a lot better. And once you have the ideas, then the words can come a lot better.” [8:25]

“The harder it is to understand and work through the words on your website, the less likely they’re going to stay and do business with you.” [17:35]

“You, yourself, are the brand. You are different from everybody else out there. The way that you talk about what you do is going to be different from the way that other people talk about what they do.” [18:16]

“If you get the right words, the right clients will fall through the cracks onto them.” [34:01]



Find Josh Cantrell online


Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller


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