My heart hurts and I decided to use my platform to share a little more about my story, my reaction to the tragedies unfolding around us, and how I’m choosing to respond. 

I think I’ve ridden the line for a long time as a business owner by trying to make friends with everyone thinking that the most popular businesses are the most successful. 

It’s taken me a long time to realize my definition of success needs to be revisited… and what that also means is that my brand is becoming more personal. And I’m finally realizing that I’m okay with that. 

I’m thankful you’re on this journey with me and I appreciate you taking the time to listen. 

How are you responding to what’s going on? What are you doing? I’d love for you to share in the comments on the episode page.


In this episode

Identifying the wrong clients for your business Choosing your marketing language to better identify your ideal clients Why it is a good thing to be polarizing  Why you get to create the rules of your own business The power you have to use your platform to create good



“The sooner they can realize this company is not a good fit for them, or you can realize this client isn’t a good fit for you, the better for you and the client.” [0:48]

“I am white. I have lived my entire life as a privileged white male. So there is so much that I don’t know. There’s so much that I’ll never know. There’s so much that I’ll never have to experience. But what I do know is that love is the greatest thing.” [9:19]

“Since this is my business, I get to create the rules.” [12:26]



City Awakening Live Show: interview w/ Jamie Winship

Woodland Hills Church: Racism and Reconciliation Resources

Roots by Alex Haley: I remember watching this movie in 7th grade and it impacting me heavily. I’ve almost finished w/ the audiobook and it has been really impactful.

Harriet: We watched this with our kids earlier this year and it was a great conversation starter. 

Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson: Incredibly heartbreaking and powerful book that I read earlier this year or watch the movie streaming free online


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