Limitations are a benefit to creativity. In the reality of COVID 19, business owners are facing significant limitations. But with crisis there comes opportunity. In this episode, I talk with someone who is full of brilliant actionable ideas that we can all harness to grow our businesses right now.

Tucker Max is the co-founder of Scribe Media, a company that helps people write, publish, and market their books. He is himself the author of four New York Times best-sellers. In 2009, he was nominated to the Time Magazine 100 most influential people list.

Today, Tucker helps us reframe the current crisis. In fact, he thinks there has seldom been a better time for video. For one thing, more people are building their at-home studios. Everyone making videos at home needs editing help. You’re already the expert in this. Marketing and monetizing your knowledge of this will only lead to growth. 

What new opportunities can your business take advantage of right now? Tell me in the comments on the episode page!


In this episode

Using an unforeseen challenge to shift what your business does Why now is a great opportunity for video experts Recognizing that you are more of an expert than you may think How to talk a client out of a bad idea Reconciling your personal identity with your success as a business owner Differentiating between what clients say and what they want



“If anything, there is now a bigger demand for video right now. It just looks different.” [12:15]

“You have to think about what baggage your medium carries, the expectations people are coming in with, and how you unpack that to make sure you understand what the client actually wants.” [38:46]

“Videos are kingmakers. You can see yourself as sheep if you want, but you’re actually shepherds. It’s just a mindset shift.” [39:58]



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The Scribe Method

Sign up for the Course Creator Agency training!


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