Today I’ll be interviewing….myself. That’s because I want to tell you all about the recent Studio Sherpas Onward Summit. It was an amazing experience full of incredible takeaways that I need to share with all of you.

So I’m going to discuss the three biggest ideas that came up over and over in at the summit. First of all, the power of community to spur action was front and center at the event. It was clear just how great it is to be part of this outstanding community and meeting those of you who could make it there was a beautiful thing.

I’m also going to talk about how powerful vulnerability is and why we shouldn’t be afraid to acknowledge and share it. Lastly, I share what I learned about how your focus, or lack of focus, is perhaps the most essential part of your business’ success.

How has community, vulnerability, or focus shaped your business? Share your thoughts in the comments on the episode page!


In this episode The importance of having an integrator to best align your business with EOS How being part of a community leads to accountability and action Why vulnerability is more powerful than we realize How focus, or lack thereof, will make or break your business   Quotes

“The whole time we’re there it’s like you’re going to learn a lot of stuff, you’re going to be challenged, think differently, but nothing will be helpful unless you change unless you do something different when you get home.” [8:50]

“When you are intentional about meeting and sharing when you’re honest about where you’re at and you set goals and you put those goals out there for other people to know of, that’s when change happens.” [10:37]

“What I get to experience when I’m vulnerable is freedom.” [16:24]

“Anytime I’ve had a ton of focus, very clear focus, I’ve been able to give that thing my all.” [26:15]


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Studio Sherpas Episode 87 with Mark Wallenwine


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