[av_social_share title='Share this entry' style='' buttons='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='']   Episode Summary A chapter in our book, “Brick by Brick”, explains the importance of having a proper organizational framework. This framework can include marketing, production, management, and everything in between. We follow the story of Aeneas and the survivors of Troy and how they were able to overcome the worst of odds after having lost everything (which, in a way, is the same as “starting with nothing”). In a way, they were like nonprofits. They didn’t exist to attain wealth. They bonded together because they wanted to ensure the survival of their people. (In the same way that many nonprofits work to ensure the survival of anything they believe in.) A common misconception about nonprofits is that these organizations do not make any money other than the donations that are given by their supporters. This couldn’t be further from the truth. There are many non-profit organizations that have built-in strategies that allow them to generate their own income while fulfilling their organizational mission. By assessing the needs of your community, you can determine ways in which you can serve them. But the means by which you’re earning revenue must always stay in alignment with the mission of your organization. This is called “Related Income”. (*Speak to your Accountant about what income can be classified as Related.) Bringing in Related Income also has a lot of positive effects. Organizations can achieve greater impact through using a wide variety of programs and allocating their earner revenue towards providing necessary resources. Alexandra describes several examples in detail about how organizations are not only creating income streams, but are also creating potential opportunities that you, too, can use. In order for your organization to create sustainable revenue streams, you’ll need to look at some of the different ways you can provide services and resources. In this episode, Alexandra Black Paulick, from Positive Impact Media and NonprofitsfortheFuture.com, explains how you can get your gears spinning smoothly when it comes to money-making strategies and how to create earned revenue for your organization. About Alexandra Black Paulick Alexandra Black-Paulick is a business junkie at heart. After finishing college she went on to service in AmeriCorps as a team leader through Campus Compact in Bozeman, MT. She helped 8 team members grow the capacity of different nonprofits in the region. Moving to San Diego she worked with a nonprofit empowering local businesses. Following her nonprofit work, she transitioned to a career in marketing. Still feeling the pull of the nonprofit mentality, she stumbled into the world of social entrepreneurs. Inspired by individuals creating meaningful change in the world, she started the Positive Impact Podcast. This was the perfect blend of her nonprofit background, love for business and marketing outlets. [av_button_big label='Join the Grow Your Non-Profit Facebook Group!' description_pos='above' link='manually,https://www.facebook.com/groups/growyournonprofit/' link_target='' icon_select='yes-left-icon' icon='ue8f5' font='entypo-fontello' custom_font='#ffffff' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' color_hover='theme-color-subtle' custom_bg_hover='#444444' custom_font_hover='#421c52!important' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''] Click here to join a community of non-profit professionals leveraging digital marketing and technology to grow their communities and improve their fundraising systems.  [/av_button_big]