[av_social_share title='Share this entry' style='' buttons='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='']   Episode Summary In this episode of the Grow Your NonProfit podcast, Amanda Goldman-Petri, founder of Market like a Nerd, explains how nonprofits can work smarter, not harder, on their online marketing through creating partnerships and building traffic that they own. There are many ways to do this. A few examples have even been discussed in these podcast episodes: (insert links to “using alternative marketing to stand out”, non-profit fundraising and engagement”, and “the power of the influencer”.) Regardless of which marketing strategy you use to attract traffic to your site, the ultimate premise here is for you to leverage the influence that you currently have, to gain more influence.   Amanda gives her recommendations for organizations that are looking to pump up the volume on their online marketing campaign. These recommendations will help you get much more visible and enable you to build a strong online community of supporters who are ready to take action and become ambassadors of your brand. This is one podcast that you don’t wanna miss out on! About Amanda Goldman-Petri Amanda Goldman-Petri, founder of MarketLikeANerd.com, is an internationally renowned “Work Smarter, Not Harder” Online Marketing Coach for entrepreneurs who want to maximize their profits while minimizing the amount of time and effort they put into their business. After overcoming poverty, child abuse, rape, teen pregnancy, and near death, Amanda was able to persevere and not only create multiple 6-figure businesses at the ages of 22, 23, and 25, but also expand her business to 19 different countries. In her recent Market Like A Nerd "Anti-Launch", she also generated over $500,000 in a hustle-free way. Amanda has featured on major media outlets such as Forbes, Fast Company, Small Business Trendsetters, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, The Huffington Post, Worth Magazine, International Business Times (and more) for her unique and nerdy approach to marketing. She was also named on Influencive as one of the Top 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30. [av_button_big label='Join the Grow Your Non-Profit Facebook Group!' description_pos='above' link='manually,https://www.facebook.com/groups/growyournonprofit/' link_target='' icon_select='yes-left-icon' icon='ue8f5' font='entypo-fontello' custom_font='#ffffff' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' color_hover='theme-color-subtle' custom_bg_hover='#444444' custom_font_hover='#421c52!important' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''] Click here to join a community of non-profit professionals leveraging digital marketing and technology to grow their communities and improve their fundraising systems.  [/av_button_big]