[av_social_share title='Share this entry' style='' buttons='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='']   Episode Summary In this episode, Marc A. Pitman explains the 4 Quadrants of leadership and speaks about how leaders and fundraisers overcome their personal hurdles to become more confident and impactful in their roles. Then, we talk about how to take it a step further and improve relationships with your donors and community members. Successful leadership stems from your relationship with yourself. As a leader, you need to be credible, confident, and capable of foresight. An honest self-assessment paves the way that helps you fix any flaws. One of the most important aspects of relationships is to be true to yourself. In the case of fundraising, this is represented by your organization’s mission. This not only builds genuine trust, but this awareness and understanding creates alignment throughout your fundraising system and enables you to understand and interact with your prospects much better. If your audience clearly understands and identifies with your organization’s mission and vision, interacts with you, and trusts you, you’ll find that it’s much easier to develop ways to strengthen your relationship with your community members and create more interest in your campaigns by building up your donor relationships. Strong leadership skills develop through self-awareness and honesty. In every problem or situation, the first step toward the solution is “awareness”. An honest assessment of yourself as a leader goes hand-in-hand with successful fundraising. Successful fundraising grows from your relationship with others. As a leader. You represent your organization when you’re dealing with potential donors. You want to be able to present your cause and ask for help in a persistent but pleasant manner. Fundraising is not the same as marketing. There is a different approach to both. Do your donors know who you are? Are you speaking about your organization or are you speaking to an actual person in your content? What’s the difference and why does this matter? Listen in and find out just how important the difference is. About Marc A. Pitman Marc A. Pitman is the author of "Ask Without Fear!" and founder of FundraisingCoach.com and the executive director of TheNonprofitAcademy.com. Marc's expertise and enthusiasm engages audiences around the world and has caught the attention of media organizations as diverse as Al Jazeera, SUCCESS Magazine, and Fox News. Marc’s experience also includes pastoring a Vineyard church, managing a gubernatorial campaign, and teaching internet marketing and fundraising at colleges and universities.  He is the husband to his best friend and the father of three amazing kids. And if you drive by him on the road, he’ll be singing 80’s tunes loud enough to embarrass his family! [av_button_big label='Join the Grow Your Non-Profit Facebook Group!' description_pos='above' link='manually,https://www.facebook.com/groups/growyournonprofit/' link_target='' icon_select='yes-left-icon' icon='ue8f5' font='entypo-fontello' custom_font='#ffffff' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' color_hover='theme-color-subtle' custom_bg_hover='#444444' custom_font_hover='#421c52!important' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''] Click here to join a community of non-profit professionals leveraging digital marketing and technology to grow their communities and improve their fundraising systems.  [/av_button_big]