What time management tips can you give to a teacher seller?

We both struggle with time management, but we have learned a few things over the years that has helped. Here are our tips for time management, and some awesome tips from our group!

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Let it go
Seriously, just LET IT GO! If it's not important to your business, don't do it. If you don't see a return on your time investment, it's time to let it go. It's hard for us to let things go when others are doing them, but it's so important to focus on the things that help your business the most. Letting things go will free up a lot of precious time.
Automate the Less Important Things
Over the last year, we've found ourselves automating a lot more. This helps us free up valuable time for the things we can't automate, like product creation.

We both use a tool called SmarterQueue to automate posts that get sent to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We don't use Twitter much, but we rely on this tool for a lot of what we do on Facebook. With Facebook organic reach being down, we didn't think it was worth as much time as it used to be to do the posts ourselves. I use it to automate discussion questions in my Facebook groups, which used to take a substantial amount of time. Starting a Facebook group is a huge commitment. Angie uses it to automate her Facebook page queue, so that she has quality content going out all the time, even when she doesn't have time to post. We both use the Solo plan, which is $19.99/month. I used Meet Edgar before, but it's way more expensive for the same exact service. I actually helped beta test SmarterQueue a couple of years ago, so I got the chance to have an impact on the features they developed!

[caption id="attachment_780" align="aligncenter" width="257"] Angie's SmarterQueue Post Categories OPC = Other People's Content[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_779" align="aligncenter" width="662"] Angie's SmarterQueue Schedule[/caption]


We also automate our Pinterest pinning. Check out our Pinterest accounts: April, Angie. Can you tell that we're not there?

Angie uses Tailwind, which is a service that is approved by Pinterest. She ultimately wants more control over what's going out. Tailwind allows you to bulk schedule, and she schedules an entire month of content in just a couple of hours.

Tribes & board lists are the most powerful features of Tailwind. Tribes allow you to have a "pinning party" with people that have similar content to yours. It allows you to create a group of like-minded sellers share your pins with them, then pin their pins that they've shared. Board lists let you make lists of boards to pin to, and then you can bulk add the same pin to go to each board at a specific time interval.

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