The TpT Conference is coming up and we are discussing everything you need to know. But, if you still have questions about it, join us in the MasterMind discussion too. You can find it at

It's time to get ready for the TpT conference! We'll be there attending and presenting this year and we're super excited. This is our favorite time of year as TpTers. We get to see friends and meet new people.
What we love about the conference
April and I have the same two things that we love the most about the TpT conference—the people and the renewed energy.
The people
At home, most people don't really "get" what we do. But, when we arrive at the conference, we are surrounded by people that "get it". They understand exactly what we do and what we deal with, both the good and the bad.

Your significant other or family and friends don't really understand how frustrating it is to get a question through the Q&A. They don't know the feeling you get when you hear that notification.
The renewed energy
When you head home from the conference you take with you so much renewed energy. You'll feel ready to take on the tasks that you need to in order to grow your business again.

April attended the first conference but I didn't. I had such FOMO (fear of missing out) after that first year that I haven't missed one since.

If the conference is still open for registration when you read this, head over to the site and get signed up!

There have been a lot of questions bouncing around in the group, so we are going to answer the most common questions that we're seeing.
But, first a little about our workshop
This year, April and I are going to be presenting a workshop at the conference. It's called The 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

We are going to blog like we're supposed to over this summer and want to invite you to join along with us. During the workshop, we're going to outline everything you need to do in order to blog intentionally and then set up accountability for you when the conference is done.

When you leave the conference, you will have a plan in place and know what blog posts you're going to create. During the workshop, we'll be there to help you one-on-one. That's why we love workshops!

Once you leave the conference we are going to have three weeks of accountability for you and follow up podcasts.

Not able to attend the conference? You can still join in afterward with the podcast episodes and accountability.
TpT Conference Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q - What should I bring to the conference?
Laptop - YES
I always bring a laptop to the conference with me, but I don't usually take it to sessions. However, if you're coming to our workshop, it will be helpful for you to bring your laptop to it.

It's nice to go back to the room at night and be able to start trying out the things that you're learning. It's also not uncommon to see a group of TpTers sitting around with their laptops out working side-by-side. And, you might meet new people that you want to show something from your store or blog or check out on theirs.
Handouts - You decide
I used to print out all the handouts beforehand and bring them with me to take notes on. But, now I find that it's more beneficial for me to bring one notebook that I call my "[Year] TpT Conference Notebook". I put all my notes from sessions and workshops in here so I can go over them once I get home.

April likes to save all the handouts digitally. She often switches up what workshop she's going to or jumps in on one that has room when she's there. The digital downloads are helpful when they include links.

Our workshop is going to have a blog post template organizer. However, we made it a fillable form so y