We've talked in the past about engaging your email opt-in list. Today we are going to dive into how to build your list. We are continuing the conversation in our Mastermind group. Head over there to share your two cents and hear what others are saying: www.growwithusmastermind.com.

This definitely isn't the first time that we've mentioned email lists on the Grow with Us Podcast. We've talked in the past about email sequencing, which you can find in the following episodes:

Setting Up Angie's Email Sequence - Episode 5
What We Send to Our Email Lists - Episode 6
Email List Building with Guest Jennifer Findley - Episode 15

On this episode, we are going to dive head first into email opt-ins. We had Sarah from Biz Template Babe on the podcast and discussed everything from what you should include in your opt-in to how to create templates to make it even easier. You need to be able to get people on your email list in order to have the rest of it matter.

For email, both Angie & April use ConvertKit. If you'd like to sign up using our link, it costs you nothing and we get a small commission. We offer all that use our links some exclusive videos to help you get started and set up on ConvertKit.

For pretty opt-ins, we both LOVE Thrive Leads. Click here to check them out and use our affiliate link.
Who is Sarah and What is Biz Template Babe?
I recently came across a Facebook ad that mentioned templates for email opt-ins. It definitely caught my attention. Creating opt-ins can be incredibly time consuming and the idea of a template to help me out was enough to make me click the ad. The ad was from Sarah at Biz Template Babe. I ended up buying her templates. Now Angie and I both use them and want to let all of you know about them.

Like most entrepreneurs, Sarah did a few things before arriving at her current business. She started out doing interior design and eventually moved into blogging a few years back. As she worked on building her own blog and business, she saw how long it was taking her to create things like sales pages, landing pages, Facebook ads, and other content. Even with the experience she had doing graphic design work from her time as an interior designer, it was still overwhelming and time-consuming.

She noticed that there were a lot of pros online that had templates they used within their business, but she didn't really see much on the creative side as far as layouts and design. When she did this in her own business she found that she was saving 50-60% of the time that she previously spent doing this kind of work. That's when the idea came to her that she could create these templates to help other businesses as well.

It's a lot like what we do as TpTers. We originally created resources that helped us in our classrooms and then found we could help other teachers by selling them as well.
Canva templates
The templates that Sarah creates and sells are created in Canva. She found that many small business owners don't have the graphic design software to use. If you aren't familiar with Canva, it's an online g