Spirituality is an Awakening, a Journey with God, whereas religion is man-made for money and control of  People
God is Love, the backbone of all religion

Make sure the voices that talk back are of Love and Righteousness, Godly voices, 

not those out of evil

‘I'm feeling like I'm famous, the talk of the town
They say I've gone mad
Yeah, I've gone mad
But they don't know what I know
'Cause when the sun goes down, someone's talking back

Yeah, they're talking back, oh
At night, when the stars light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the moon
Trying to get to you
In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too
Or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon?’

Talking to the Moon, by Bruno Mars

If it’s over, it’s over
Life GROWs on ✨💝for the Better

This Highway of Life has On and Off ramps, some are meant to exit and some never get back on your Highway of Life, Sow Love, Live, Care and GROW to God trying to be the Best You 

To make it Better for you others around You

God knows your Heart

and you don’t yet know 
The Beautiful Plans God has for you as You 


Sow Love,

Love and Blessings,

       Safe Travels💫💞

💝✨Dedicated to all victims of    DomesticViolence✨💝




God is Love
Love is the backbone of all religion

Sow Love, GROW Love all over the World
To drive out hate and make the World Great

Material things dont mean anything, one day we shall Leave with nothing

We are Spirits having a Physical experience
Life is what you make it, make it Beautiful ✨💝

Sow Love here We GROW 💫💞