GROW Greatness Reached over Oppression through Wisdom 

Misery is quitting 

I’m so sad to see Misery go cause I like Misery

I Sow Love, giving Misery a different kind of company than others💯

Perhaps God will see fit that I can talk to Misery and Misery may stay on, the others also like Misery but Misery causes a lot of problems 

If something is making You turn into a complete Misery, do something different

‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results’ -Albert Einstein

it took a genius to come up with that one

Ugly is not in looks 
God made us in his image, 
Each Beautiful and unique in our own way✨💝
What one perceives to be Beautiful, Another may not Again, ugly is not looks, but actions; ugly actions

Something’s got to give;

Sow Love here’s to Misery; GROW💫💞

God is Love
Love is the backbone of all religion

Sow Love, GROW Love all over the World
To drive out hate and make the World Great

Material things dont mean anything, one day we shall Leave with nothing

We are Spirits having a Physical experience
Life is what you make it, make it Beautiful ✨💝

Sow Love here We GROW 💫💞