The secret to B2B sales success?

Promotional one-way communication won’t cut it with today’s ad-exhausted B2B customer.

Instead, you need to start building and nurturing long-term, meaningful relationships.

Find out how in today’s episode with Pim Geurts, Global Director of Strategic Alliances at o9 Solutions and our host, Sammy.

You’ll learn:

1. What a B2B community is according to Pim
2. How to build your own B2B community
3. How to get your community members involved
4. The value of B2B communities
5. How to translate online communities to the offline world

About Pim:
Pim is currently working as Director of Strategic Alliances at o9 Solutions where he helps strengthen the company's partner landscape to facilitate the rapid growth of o9. In his previous role, he set up the global aim10x community for digital transformation leaders in planning and decision-making.

Find Pim on LinkedIn:
Pim's business book recommendation:
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do, and How to Change - Charles Duhigg
Pim's favorite business leaders:
Elon Musk and Steve Jobs

About o9 Solutions:
The o9 Digital Brain is a game-changing planning platform helping global companies across industries transform their supply chain, commercial, finance, and sustainability decision-making for digital age volatility and complexity.

Industry: Analytics, Digital Media, Enterprise Software, SaaS
Company size: 2000+
Headquarters: Dallas, Texas
Founded: 2009


About the host Sammy:
Sammy and SAWOO enable you to drive recruiting & employer branding via your hiring managers on LinkedIn.

We can help you:
- Speed up hiring
- Reduce hiring costs
- Create an authentic Employer Brand
- Create a Talent Pool that you can tap into any time

Get in touch with Sammy on LinkedIn:


Past guests on the GROW B2B FASTER Show include: Justin Welsh, Ian Koniak, Jamal Reimer, Mike Troiano, John Kaplan, Greg Alexander, and many more.