Technology can bring the best out of you as a salesperson – If you let it.

Today, our host Sammy is talking to Massimo Pernicone, Director at BTS, about how sales tools can help your B2B business grow.

You'll learn:

1. What problems companies face when introducing new tech for salespeople
2. How to get your salespeople on board when adopting new sales tools
3. What mistakes to be aware of when introducing new tools & how to avoid them
4. How to choose the right sales tool for your company needs
5. What to look out for when looking for a consulting company to help you implement your tools

Discover more about this topic on Massimo’s article:

About Massimo:
Massimo is Director at BTS Madrid, with 10+ years of experience in Sales & Marketing, Innovation and Leadership. He works with corporations to help their people execute on the strategy and transform the way they sell and innovate. Massimo is an avid traveler and loves to play sports and fitness.

Find Massimo on LinkedIn:
Massimo's business book recommendations:
Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter – Liz Wiseman
Impact Players: How to Take the Lead, Play Bigger, and Multiply Your Impact – Liz Wiseman
Massimo's favorite business leaders: Jessica Skon –

About BTS:
BTS is a global professional services firm that partners with clients to enable strategy execution. They provide the skills, tools, and knowledge, so people understand how their daily work impacts business results. They are experts in behavior change, care deeply about delivering results, and inspire people to do the best work of their lives. It’s strategy made personal. 

Industry: Business consulting and business services
Company size: over 1,000
Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden
Founded: 1986

About the host Sammy:
Sammy helps you to:
1. Build your community of big whale clients
2. Win employees
3. Drive B2B sales

Get in touch with Sammy on LinkedIn:


Past guests on the GROW B2B FASTER Show include: Justin Welsh, Ian Koniak, Jamal Reimer, Mike Troiano, John Kaplan, Greg Alexander, and many more.