How did Steve plan his first 100 days as the new CRO at ENGIE Impact to achieve maximum impact?

Our guest today, Steve Kline, CRO at ENGIE Impact, shares his playbook for successfully structuring your sales team with Sammy.

What's in it for you:
1. Steve’s roadmap to starting as a new CRO at ENGIE Impact
2. How to define a profile for hiring the best new talent to enhance your team
3. How to structure your sales team for maximum success
4. How your company culture influences your team
5. How to find mentors to help you and your business grow

About Steve:
Steve is Chief Revenue Officer of Sustainable Resource Management at ENGIE Impact. He serves the teams that deliver value to the existing customer base, hunt for new customers and partners and build solutions. His role spans solution development, existing account management, new logo sales, development, sales operations and supporting functions in their ecosystem.  Steve spends his free time with his wife and four children enjoying their local beach in the summer and nearby mountains in the winter, hunting, fishing, surfing, skiing, and running from one youth sports event to the next. 

Find Steve on LinkedIn:
Steve's company ENGIE Impact:
Steve's business book recommendations:
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...And Others Don't – James C. Collins
Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action – Simon Sinek
Steve's favorite business leaders: Jeff Weiner - and Peter Drucker
About ENGIE Impact:
ENGIE Impact provides software and professional services for companies to reduce their energy consumption, move to a greener environment within their business, so buying energy from renewable energy resources.

Industry: Energy, Energy Management, Energy Storage, Sustainability
Company size: 5000
Headquarters: West Coast, Western US
Founded: 1995
About the host Sammy:
Sammy is a former management consultant and now helps partners and managing directors in the consulting industry drive social marketing & sales via LinkedIn.

Get in touch with Sammy: [email protected]
Episode is sponsored by Sammy’s company SAWOO.
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Past guests on the GROW B2B FASTER Show include:  Justin Welsh, Ian Koniak, Jamal Reimer, Mike Troiano, John KaplanGreg Alexander, and many more.