How did Justin get to $2m in revenue in 2 years on LinkedIn, and create content that has 1,000s of likes & comments?

In today's GROW B2B FASTER episode, Justin Welsh shares with Sammy, how to get the best out of LinkedIn, and how it can help you grow your B2B business fast.

What's in it for you:
1. How to build a successful LinkedIn community as a B2B business
2. How to find your niche and create attention for your business on LinkedIn
3. How to create content that works on LinkedIn

About Justin
Justin is a solopreneur and angel investor. His company Justin Welsh Media launched in 2019. He began building a brand on LinkedIn and received 21,000 followers within six months. Today, he advises entrepreneurs and develops digital products. He coaches creatives in 1:1 meetings to maximize their income and runs a private community for creatives called Audience and Income. Justin now has over 192,000 followers.

About Justin Welsh Media
Justin Welsh Media offers online courses and 1:1 coachings for solopreneurs. There are three blocks that address the most challenging aspects of the path to success: Social Growth, Business Growth and Online Course Growth. The company also provides free guides for solopreneurs and creators: From choosing a profitable niche to growing on LinkedIn and making money to management software.

About the host Sammy
Sammy is a former management consultant and now helps partners and managing directors in the consulting industry drive social marketing & sales via LinkedIn.

The goals of his company SAWOO:
1. Establish thought leadership
2. Build sustainable relationships with decision makers within the target group
3. Attract leads and increase sales

Feel free to get in touch with Sammy via LinkedIn or email [email protected] if you want to learn more...

Shownotes Justin
Find Justin on LinkedIn
Justin’s company Justin Welsh Media

Justin’s book recommendation: The Sales Acceleration Formula: Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from $0 to $100 Million by Mark Roberge

Justin’s solopreneur spotlight:
Chris Walker from RefineLabs
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Brendan Hufford 
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Eddie Shleyner 
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