In a world with almost unlimited options for fitness, the one thing that you have to differentiate yourself is that you're unique. 

We have been conditioned to work on our weaknesses, but by doing this we neglect the strengths that makes us special.

We at SH1FT believe that every instructor has a superpower and by embracing it, you can become a better teacher. In this podcast, Will talks about instructor superpowers, and he’s going to take it really high level with the intention of starting a conversation and a process for self-reflection that we think will really help you to develop and hone your skills in a way that will make you better at not only leaning into your unique strengths, but also to start understanding what your weaknesses might be.

PLUS - to make this topic even easier to digest, we’ve created a quiz! In a few simple questions, we’ll help you identify your superpower and give you some actionable strategies to SUPERcharge your teaching performance.

You can take the quiz right here:

Enjoy this solo episode with Will!

Links mentioned in this episode:

What’s Your Group Fitness Superpower QuizWill’s Facebook, Instagram and Email AddressSH1FT Fitness Website