Diversity and inclusion. Two incredibly important concepts, but also two words that can cause a lot of emotion, confusion, apprehension and fear of judgement. 

As a leader and voice in the Group Fitness space, I feel it’s my responsibility to champion diversity and inclusion across the Instructor community, and for you as Instructors, I strongly believe you have an important role to play in championing diversity and inclusion across your classes. 

But that doesn’t mean I or you will always get it right. But rather than not trying at all through fear of missing the mark, how can we approach this subject in a way that acknowledges and respects everyone's differences whilst also being authentic to you and your beliefs? In today’s podcast, I’m tackling this topic with Rodney Morris. Rodney is the founder of myfitpod and  the workplace culture workout, and has been leading voice  in the talent, culture and diversity space for a number of years.

Rodney breaks down this sensitive subject in a really great way, and I personally found it incredibly helpful. Diversity comes in so many forms in Group Fitness - race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, body image. I want you to keep an open mind whilst listening to this episode and think about how you approach diversity and inclusion within your community - no judgement, fear or worry, just observation because it’s with a learning mindset, that we really can grow as a community together...