Unless you've been living under a rock, you have probably noticed the huge transformation of the indoor cycling sector over the last decade. Just a few years ago, peloton didn't exist. Soulcycle was a crazy fad, and performance metrics were reserved for competitive cyclists. Flash forward to today and indoor cycling is everywhere. And there was a style for everyone. From dancing on a bike to hot out metrics and leaderboards. indoor cycling has evolved hugely. 

Today on the show, I'm interviewing the amazing Cameron Chinatti, who spent most of the last decade as Director of Education for stages cycling. Cameron started out her career in the performing arts, but soon found the love for fitness. And from there, she became a leading instructor, educator and thought leader in the teaching, and particularly the indoor cycling space. Cameron has trained 1000s of instructors and today she is sharing five incredible tips that will help you improve your teaching skills immediately. 

But trust me, these tips aren't just relevant if you're a cycling instructor. There's something that's here for every group fitness instructor to take on board. So whether you're a cycling instructor fanatic, or you have no interest in ever teaching on a bike, this episode is well worth a listen, as it's peppered with nuggets of pure gold, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Cameron’s Instagram and FacebookSurve ProductionsStages CyclingWill’s Facebook, Instagram and Email AddressSH1FT Fitness Website