This week on the podcast, I'm going to address an issue that I'm hearing more and more from instructors in the Northern Hemisphere. And that is that while they've persevered for a long time during the pandemic, maintaining a positive attitude, being open to virtual, creating community, doing everything they can to bring their classes joy and exercise during lockdowns, numbers in virtual classes are falling. It's harder to get people in. And it's more of a struggle than ever for instructors to keep on trucking. 

If you are starting to really struggle, I want you to understand that what you are feeling is valid, the fatigue is real. You and your classes have pandemic burnout. And it's a completely normal thing to feel at this stage of the crisis. In this solo episode, I'm going to bring awareness around the signs and symptoms of pandemic burnout and share 6 strategies to start to ease your anxiety and bring your classes back to life again. 

Links mentioned in this episode:

I Am Well and Good article about ‘Hitting the Pandemic Wall’James Purtill article about ‘the dreaded 3rd quarter’Episode 4 Turning a Pandemic into an Opportunity | A How-To GuideEpisode 7 Mindset 101: The Key To A Happier LifeEpisode 9The Secret to Longevity as a Group Fitness Instructor w/ Les Mills legend Bevan James Eyles Will’s Facebook, Instagram and Email AddressSH1FT Fitness Website