“Working the core” is all the rage right now.  But how do we incorporate core work into a class where there is not specific time for it?  And how do we cue it if we don’t have a Pilates background?  My guest, Trish Muse and I discuss how to work the core, with good effective … Continue reading GFTR #22 Trish Muse on Cueing the Core →

The post GFTR #22 Trish Muse on Cueing the Core appeared first on Group Fitness Instructor Talk Radio.

“Working the core” is all the rage right now.  But how do we incorporate core work into a class where there is not specific time for it?  And how do we cue it if we don’t have a Pilates background?  My guest, Trish Muse and I discuss how to work the core, with good effective cueing, in classes that are not core specific.  Trish‘s experience as a  Physical Therapist (she is working on her Doctorate), group fitness and Pilates instructor really help her describe how to do this.  You can learn more about Trish at www.bodyproductions.com.  Enjoy!

Listen to the Podcast below or subscribe for free using iTunes [audio:http://group-fitness-radio.s3.amazonaws.com/022_Trish.mp3]

The post GFTR #22 Trish Muse on Cueing the Core appeared first on Group Fitness Instructor Talk Radio.