Featuring Hani Anis, Founder at Kahani Digital

Hani Anis founded a luxury South Asian bridal boutique in 2017 called Anis Collections. She went on to work in investment banking and at a venture capitalist firm, but continued helping brands with their digital strategies during the pandemic. It was through her work for Natalie Barby’s agency Rella Social that Hanis realized her love for working with small businesses, particularly those owned and operated by people of South Asian descent.

In 2021, Hani turned her passion into Kahani Digital – a digital marketing and social media company that helps tell the stories of South Asian-owned and founded brands. Kahani Digital now has a team of six employees and has worked with 20-plus clients in various industries.

Episode quote:

“When you're a brand owner, typically you have a specific story that ties to some element of either your culture, your background, someway you grew up, or just something you saw. (Telling a brand’s story comes) from just sitting down with founders and talking to them to learn about their story.”

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