What are you curious about right now?
Since we're stuck at home because of our situation right now, many people have been trying out new hobbies and skills. It's the perfect time to explore your potential. You have more time for yourself, so don't miss out on the opportunities.
In this episode, I will tell you why you should follow your curiosity, which could help you move forward in life. It's time for you to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Don't just settle. Get out there and let your curiosity take the wheel.
[3:02] When we’re young, and we’re kids, we’re curious about everything. We want to know how things work.

[3:27] Once we start to follow the rules and color inside the lines, it kind of diminishes our curiosity.

[4:57] There are so many things that we are often curious about, but then we shut it down because we don’t think it’s possible.

[5:18] We go through life having this thing at the back of our minds, or in our hearts that we really want to pursue, but we just don’t act on it.

[6:35] I think what we should be asking of our children, what we should be asking of ourselves as well, is, “What are you curious about right now?”. You see how that opens things up.

[6:53] For somebody to decide what you want to be forever for the rest of your life, I mean, it’s difficult because you haven’t even tried many things. 

[7:34] When you don’t think something’s possible, you don’t want to extend yourself and put yourself out there.

[8:41] Your curiosity changes. Now you could be curious about something, and ten years from now, you might change.

[9:41] When you just settle, you just miss out on really amazing experiences, opportunities, and people. 

[10:50] No matter how much I try to justify why it wasn’t possible, it kept resurfacing. That curiosity was there. And so, I had to answer it. I had to act on it.

[13:22] I just put myself out there, and it ended up sort of being a hard lesson or something amazing.

[14:08] Don’t worry about the “How?”. Just get back to dreaming. Get back to following that curiosity, and the “How?” will come to you.

[15:34] You should try to live your life a little bit like you’re on vacation.

[17:02] Try different things.

[17:35] Following your curiosity can lead you to your passions, purpose, and gift.

[19:10] Many of us don’t know who we are because we wake up every day, and people tell us what to do.

[20:26] The more you question things, the more you’re likely going to find the answers or seek out those answers. 

[22:06] Asking yourself better questions can give you better answers.

[23:46] If you’re being drawn towards something, if you feel like you’re being called towards something, you have to answer that call. Because there’s nothing worse than having something just lingering at the back of your mind, or in your heart, or your spirit, and not answering that call, and then having regret years later.


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