What is it that really makes a brand stand out? Why do people flock to certain brands? Is it the product or quality of the service or is it something else? Maybe it’s the story behind the brand or maybe it’s the story being told to the potential customer.

If you’re running a business or planning to start one, you must learn how to differentiate your brand from other competitors. Take a look at who you are and what you have to offer that would contribute to the success of your business.

In this episode, I’m going to give you 7 reasons why telling your story in your business gives so much power to your brand and at the same time to remind you to be unique for your business to stand out.

[1:40] Get an understanding of your own personal journey and the things that you've had to overcome, the wins that you've had, the things that you've learned. But also, to attract potential customers, to strengthen and deepen your relationship with your current customers. 


[2:42] Your story is powerful, regardless if you have a business or not. 


[3:00] There are people out there that need to hear your story, your personal story. 


[3:36] Sometimes, we have these blockers. Sometimes, there are things we've encountered in our lives and we just kind of lock it away. Because we lock it away, it stops us from moving forward in our life. 


[4:36] A lot of us need to understand that we have a platform. Whether you have social media, whether you have friends and family that you connect with, whether you have a podcast or a blog. 


[5:32] There are ways where you can deliver parts of your story. There are ways you can use that knowledge in your business to build your brand, to strengthen that relationship between your clients, or as a part of your Unique Selling Proposition. 


[5:55] Really knowing yourself as an individual can help you tap into the things that will make you successful in your business. 


[6:09] Think about it, every commercial, advertisement, and marketing funnel that you see, all have to deal with a story. They're all trying to tell you a story. 


[7:14] Telling your story in your business helps you realize your own journey. 


[7:31] We're not really acknowledging the strength, courage, and successes. A lot of us just keep it locked away sometimes because our past is just way too painful. But sometimes, even in that pain, we have to learn how to release that so it does not manifest itself in very negative and harmful ways. 


[9:06] You get to help others with your story. 


[9:59] No matter what you're going through or what you've been through, no matter how low you think you've been in your life or how high, there are people out there that need to hear your story because that will motivate and inspire them to keep going. 


[10:50] Once I started sharing my story, while I was working in the corporate world, people really started opening up about things that have happened in their own life. 


[11:44] I am who I am because of my mistakes, faults, challenges, successes, wins, and relationships. 


[12:25] Know your wins, what's important now. 


[12:55] Oftentimes, we just focus so much on the business that we get away from our wins. Then what happens is, other areas in our life start to suffer tremendously. 


[14:51] Sometimes, you're just going to be crazy busy growing your business. Other times, you kind of have to step back and take care of yourself, health, and wellness. 


[15:02] I have to start every day consciously. 


[16:07] Oftentimes, we're afraid to allow people to get to know us a little bit more. We're afraid to pull back the curtain and to share with people because there's this line of professionalism that we don't want to cross. 


[16:36] Once I started opening up to people, once I started sharing things about myself, personal things, that's when people really started developing this deeper connection with me. 


[17:57] There really is power in being vulnerable. 


[18:29] You have to make your "why" bigger than your whining. 


[19:10] You have to have this mission and this vision for what you're trying to create in this world. And it has to be so big, that nobody can talk you out of it. 


[19:29] A lot of times business owners lose sight of what it is that they're trying to achieve, they lose sight of why they started the business in the first place. 


[19:47] When you know your "why", you know where you're going and nothing can throw you off. 


[20:29] Tell your story in your business because it's going to help you get clear about your message and what you're trying to communicate with your potential customers. 


[22:45] Once you understand who you are and what you stand for, it's going to help you differentiate yourself from your competitors and also forge that deeper connection with potential customers and clients. 


[23:13] Your Unique Selling Proposition is what makes you stand out from your competitors. 


[24:43] You have value to add to this world, you have something to give, you have something to share. 



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