How do I level up my life and my business? A lot of people ask me this in one form or another. It’s not about one simple thing, it’s about developing the right habits. 

If you’ve been feeling stuck for some time now, this is the nudge that will get you to finally look at your actions and see if they’re healthy habits. Take charge of your life and make that decision to set yourself up for success.

In this episode, I’m going to give you 5 powerful habits and remind you of the most important thing you should be taking care of so you can complete all those actions required to achieve your goals.

[1:12] Successful people talk about their habits and mindset.
[2:38] I was feeling stuck in my life, I was feeling left behind, I was feeling forgotten. I felt like everybody was moving past me and I was standing still. 
[3:25] When you make a decision to do something different, when you make a decision that you are going to make a commitment to changing your life, to change your habits, one day at a time, then that's when everything begins to shift and you begin to go from everything is impossible, to maybe it's possible, to do it. 
[4:55] The morning ritual are the things you love to do, that you look forward to doing, that is going to really shift your mindset, create more peace and calm in your life, and really start your day on that positive note.  
[6:14] There are 5 Ms that I think most of us should incorporate to our morning ritual: Meaning, Meditation, Mantra, Movement, and Mindful Journaling. 
[6:53] When you wake up in gratitude, you program your mind to be grateful for the things that you have, then it's difficult to focus on the things that you don't have. 
[7:36] Meditation doesn't have to be this hour-long, sitting in silence, humming thing. There are so many different forms of meditation. 
[8:31] If you can take 3-5, to 10 minutes every morning and just meditate and clear your mind, it creates more peace and calm, reduces stress, and really increases your mental, spiritual, and physical health. 
[9:06] A lot of people believe in affirmations and mantras because you are what you say you are. 
[10:54] Most of us understand that affirmations work in the negative sense. 
[11:48] If you're gonna believe one truth, why not believe the truth is gonna serve you well. The truth is really gonna help you. 
[13:56] When I exercise, sometimes, I solve problems that I didn't know I could solve. 
[14:16] There is so much power in writing things down. 
[15:39] Having a bedtime routine sets up the next day for success. 
[18:03] When I started taking sleep more seriously, I realized the benefits of having a great sleep. I would wake up with energy, focus, and clarity. 
[19:20] If you want a new life, if you want to level up your life or your business, then you know you have to be a goal-getter. 
[19:56] You have to take massive action towards your goals and your dreams every single day. But first, you have to get clear about what it is that you really want. Then, you have to map it out. 
[20:10] Find the right people to connect with. Find people who are already goal getters. 
[20:30] Freedom requires discipline. 
[20:54] Once I started getting consistent with my goals, that's when my life really started shifting. 
[21:45] Health is wealth. Without your health, you have nothing. 
[23:48] Maybe you need to make your health and wellness a priority and once you do that, you'll notice other areas of your life improving as well. 
[25:18] We really have to focus on being of service to other people. There's that quote that says "If you wanna be a millionaire, help a million people". 
[26:32] Implement new habits into your life that are going to serve you well, serve you better than the habits that you have right now. 


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