How many times have you told yourself that this isn’t probably for me because I’m not ready, I’m not good enough? Or maybe got into feeling really motivated one day, for a week, then a month, but only eventually stopping because you suddenly felt lost or started wondering again, “where am I going?” 

In this episode, I’ll talk to you about change, transforming your life, and the tools to maneuver your actions into your dream life. I’ll share with you the exciting 5 keys to your new life that will help you move forward and become successful. 

[1:25] Oftentimes in our life we have these clues, opportunities, and chances to really change our life but we don’t follow up. We don’t follow through. We don’t act on opportunities when they present themselves.

[1:52] When you feel like “What is this life all about?” Those are the times that we have to dig deep.

[2:01] What am I going to do differently?

[2:27] Maybe you met someone, you heard them speak and they really inspired you to take action and do something differently.

[2:36] Then you went back to your old habits, your old mindset, to your old life.

[2:53] Maybe you need the keys, the tools to get the life that you want.

[3:10] Do you ever think there has to be more than just waking up every day.

[3:29] You deserve more. You deserve to have the life you’ve always dreamed of. The question is, how do you create that life?

[3:37]  I want to share 5 tips to help you create your new life.

[4:30] Develop your life vision.

[4:48] Start thinking about what your ideal life looks like right now.

[4:50] Successful people have a vision for their lives.

[5:54] When you do know what it’s all about, everything is aligned with that. All of your goals, your dreams, your hopes, your desires are all aligned with your vision.

[6:07] Everything that you do is focused on that.

[7:02] What would a perfect day look like for you?

[7:55] When you wake up, you know where you’re going.

[8:41] Get to know yourself.

[9:48] You really have to take time to know who you are, to get to know yourself, to get to know your superpowers but also get to know the areas you need to work on.

[10:03] And because we don’t know who we are, sometimes we allow other people to tell us who we are.

[11:20] Giving yourself permission to fail.

[11:49] Highly successful people have failed a lot.

[12:24] I would rather try and fail than wonder “what if” for the rest of my life.

[13:44] Follow your curiosity.

[14:13] If you play it safe, safe will play you.

[14:44] I had the discipline to follow my curiosity. 

[15:43] The universe or God or whatever you believe in, is trying to move you forward. But you’re just not ready.

[16:13] Follow your path and see where it leads you.

[16:37] This could be the time to answer that call. 

[17:38] Following my curiosity has really opened me up to understanding who I am in my place in the world, and what I’m trying to build in my legacy.

[19:04] Once you have that clarity, everything that you do, the actions, the habits, the people you surround yourself with, help to move your direction you need to go.

[19:14] It’s all about getting a life support network.

[19:57] Every successful person has a coach, a mentor, a support system. 

[20:05] Be careful who you tell your goals and dreams to.

[22:10] Building a strong support network can really help major shifts in your life.

[22:32] You don’t have to know somebody personally for them to be your coach or your teacher.

[23:31] That’s just not true. Once we’re able to shift our mindset then we can put some action behind it, that’s when the fire gets really burning.

[24:45] Make the commitment to yourself to do the things you need to do to create that life. Commit to really thinking about what you really want. 


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