Have you ever stopped and thought about what’s really stopping you from taking action, from moving forward?

I completely agree with the acronym that fear, is “False Evidence Appearing Real”. There are a lot of reasons why we’re scared. 

In this episode, I’ll share with you the 5 different ways that fear manifests and shows up in our lives. It’s not just a physical reaction to the things you’re afraid of. I’ll equip you with tips on how to overcome it and finally live the life you desire.

[1:44] It’s something that’s not true that appears to be real.

[2:26] Fear isn’t always this physical reaction. Fear shows up in different ways.

[2:43] When we’re afraid of something, we make excuses. We come up with ways to rationalize the fear. We rationalize why we don’t want to confront the fear.

[4:10] We blame others. We allow others to control our emotions because we blame for things that are not going right in our lives.

[5:11] Don’t give people that power. You take the power back.

[6:23] I used to participate in it as well. Once I started realizing that it was a reflection of my own fears, me talking about other people when they weren’t around. I realized I had to stop that.

[6:46] Gossip is that. It’s a way for us to put off doing something that we need to do or take on something we know we should take on.

[7:02] It’s a reflection of our own deepest fears.

[7:36] The more that you complain, the more that it amplifies your fears.

[9:04] That’s how we avoid fear. The things we’re afraid of. We avoid it. We have no emotion. We have no concern. And we hope that in doing so,  it goes away. And it never does.

[11:15] The first thing we have to do is to identify and acknowledge it. 

[13:29] Understanding the source of the fear, that can really help us to grow and to learn about ourselves.

[14:02] What you focus on becomes amplified. 

[14:26] When we choose gratitude, when we choose to focus on the things that are working in our lives, the blessings that we have, the things that are going well, the amazing people that we have in our lives and be thankful. When we wake up that way, it amplifies everything else in our lives.

[17:02] That helps you determine your why. When you think about your family, your friends, the people you interact with every day, your co-workers. When you’re grateful for all those things, it gives you a bigger reason why you should confront those fears.

[17:50] Maybe talking it out, is exactly what you need. Make sure you talk it out with someone you trust. 

[18:41] Talking out your fears can really help you realize new opportunities or new reasons why you need to take action and move through this fear.

[19:33] Talking it out can be really beneficial when you’re afraid of something and it can also bring you new ideas as you’re speaking it out.

[22:19] I’m just trying to give you some tips to help you move through some of the things that may be holding you back because you deserve to live an amazing life. Sometimes, confronting that fear can really help us move through it.

[23:33] Confronting it, getting started, taking a small step, can really be a big step for you.


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