You may feel overwhelmed by all the challenges and struggles you face in these trying times. You might have gotten stuck or lost in your life and need help to get back on track. You have to realize that what you’re feeling right now is understandable. Everyone is going through tough times. It is not your fault. 


In this episode, I will give you seven tips that will help you get back on track when your life has gotten out of control. Maybe these tips can help you cope with the problems you're facing. You can try them and implement them into your life right now when you're ready. 


Talk to someone. Speak to a friend or a family member that you trust. Sometimes speaking to people that you love, know, and trust helps you to work through that situation.

Seek out professional help. Look for a counselor or a psychiatrist or even join a group of people who may be experiencing similar challenges.

Do a life audit.

Sometimes, we know that we’re stuck in our lives, or we know that we’ve kind of fallen off and we realize this, but we’re not willing to be completely honest with ourselves about where we are with that. And so, what we do is we end up avoiding it, not talking about it, ducking, and hiding from it. And when you do that, the situation always gets worse.

You have to be honest with yourself.

Determine what your ideal life looks like.

I tried to dream about what it would look like if I had the financial freedom that I wanted. I know it’s counterintuitive to do that when you’re struggling in some area of your life, but that’s what it takes. 

If you continue to focus on the problem, then 90% of your energy goes towards the problem.

If you focus on the solution and where you’re trying to go, then 90% of your energy will go towards that.

Ask yourself this one question, “What am I going to do to get my life back on track?”.

You have to find a quiet place to sit and relax your mind and relax your body. 

You take ten deep breaths in and out, and then you’ll say to yourself “I’m going to get through this. I’m going to get back on track. I will take control of my life.”

When you’re stressed, you can’t come up with answers to your problems. When you feel out of sync, you don’t know how to get back on track.

Look at those one or two areas that you maybe have fallen off the most and focus on those two things right now.

Set a timer for three minutes, and you just write everything down that comes to your mind then what you do is you go back over the list and you look for the ideas that you could implement right away.

The pen and the paper can be so powerful.

Even though the situation may be challenging right now, you can get through it.

Understand that this will pass.

You are the hero of your story. Like every hero, you have to go through challenges and struggles, but at the end of the day, you’ll break through those challenges and come through shining. You’ll save the day.

Be grateful.

When you’re grateful, and you show gratitude, you attract more blessings, you see more opportunities, and more things come your way.

When you have a mindset of gratitude, the universe pays you back.



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