On May 20, 2014, Susan’s world came crashing down. Her 54-year old husband passed of a sudden heart attack. The years since have been a whirlwind of emotion, trauma & joy (yes, joy, thanks mostly to the birth of her grandchildren).

Over the next five years, Susan experienced additional heartache following the death of her dad & both of her brothers. She knew the only way to make sense of all her grief and honour her ‘men’ was to find purpose and help others experiencing loss.

So, she increased her vast experiential knowledge with a coaching certificate and David Kessler’s grief educator certification.

Each step along her path highlighted the necessity to shatter the taboo surrounding death and grief within society.

Death is still in the shadows. We squirm and avoid it at all costs. And the costs, both emotional and financial are tremendous.

Thankfully, many societal taboos such as mental health, cancer and sexual orientation have had a light shined on them providing an opportunity for healthy dialogue, normalization and respect.

Isn’t it odd that we avoid death - the only taboo that affects all of us?

Susan hopes to encourage an annual day where we dialogue and educate about all things death.

Let’s normalize death – before it kills you.

For more information, conversation and opportunities to get involved, please reach out to Susan at evolve beyond grief.




[email protected]