Julie McFadden, BSN, RN is a passionate educator, who uses her social media following, which reaches 1.3M on tiktok alone, to normalizing death and dying. 
Found under the name Hospice Nurse Julie, she spent years working in the  experienced ICU, and serves as a well respected, sought after now Hospice/Palliative expert who has been featured in Newsweek, USA today, The Atlantic, The Business Insider, Medscape, People, Buzz feed, and media outlets  worldwide.
You can find Julie on TikTokInstagram, and YouTube, or at her website: 


If you would like to do some in-person learning, don't miss the opportunity at the Art of Living Retreat: https://artoflivingretreatcenter.org/event/faculty/penny-smith-julie-mcfadden/changing-our-views-on-the-end-of-life/?fbclid=PAAaaPYqhOyCTobGEvGdw9fDh7u076hn9_V8w9H5Njv1B7gP1qM1O8acKN9ns&utm_campaign=Penny%20Julie%20Referral&utm_medium=Referral&utm_source=Faculty