About Jessica

I’m a writer. I write poetry as well as creative non-fiction, essays that examine aspects of my life or the world around me and try to find the deeper meaning and connection in what I observe. I also write about media and culture, faith, and the intersection of the two. I wrote a sort of sermon once and it went viral. I write for places like SojournersThink Christian, The Good Men Project, the Madeleine L’Engle Blog, Our Bible App, and Together Rising.

I’m an author. I have three published books and am working on my fourth. The Long Night, Readings and Stories to Help You Through Depression came out on May 19th, 2020 through Broadleaf Books, and its companion book, Blessings for the Long Night: Poems and Meditations to Help You through Depression will be out on April 19th, 2022, also through Broadleaf Books. In between those I self-published the “peace poems” I’d been writing into Twitter every evening for a year as 365 Days of Peace: Benedictions to End Your Day in Gentleness and Hope. I also created a journal to go with 365 Days of Peace.

I’m a theologian. I have a BA in World Religions and a Master of Divinity in Christianity. I’ve traveled to Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Morocco, and Europe to study Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. I did part time ministry for many years — leading worship, teaching the Bible, leading discussion groups, working with teens, and teaching English as a second language. After I graduated I went to work for a campus ministry, doing interfaith outreach, but burnt out after a year and a half of fundraising and training. I try to use my education and experience in my writing, both to deepen my perspective and to minister to my readers.

I’m an editor. In my editing work I help scholars from all over the world who are working on academic dissertations. I’ve also edited books, journal articles, newsletters, cover letters, and more. Find out more here.

I’m a workshop leader. I’ve developed and teach the Finding Your Voice Writing Workshops for aspiring writers who struggle with depression or other mental illness.

