Melissa is proud to bring back to the show Mike Michalowicz. Mike has supported Melissa in multiple ways over the years and is helping her bring her book to the world (very soon!). 

In this episode, Mike and Melissa explore how grief can act as a form of connection. They examine the true purpose behind their writing and how success can be the opposite of what's best for you. 

This episode is an understanding and loving exploration of grief. Mike and Melissa examine how we compound grief, how to support others' grieving, and the true normalcy of the grief we experience. You will leave this conversation feeling more supportive of yourself and how better to support those around you. 

Mike Michalowicz is the entrepreneur behind three multimillion-dollar companies and is the author of Profit First, Clockwork, The Pumpkin Plan, and his newest book, Get Different. Mike is a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal and regularly travels the globe as an entrepreneurial advocate. 


1:14 - How Melissa's story landed her a unique book deal4:05 - Mike navigates his rock-bottom moment9:51 - Pitfalls of ranking your success and grief12:35 - Qualifiers to be a successful and helpful coach18:08 - How to identify coaches that can help you22:21 - Why do we resist the places we're meant to go?26:45 - The ways we compound grief35:09 - Embracing your experience of grief41:19 - Forgiveness as the ultimate form of relief47:09 - The perils of positivity51:36 - The normalcy of grief56:52 - Connecting with Mike

Connect with Mike

Visit his websiteGet the free toolsRead his booksListen to his podcast

Learn more about Mike

Mike is the creator of Profit First, which is used by hundreds of thousands of companies across the globe to drive profit. He is the creator of Clockwork, a powerful method to make any business run on automatic. In his 2020 release Fix This Next, Mike details the strategy businesses can use to determine what to do, and in what order, to ensure healthy, fast, permanent growth (and avoid debilitating distractions). His latest book, Get Different, will give you the tools to stand out in any market.

Today, Mike leads two new multi-million-dollar ventures, as he tests his latest business research for his books. He is a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal and a business makeover specialist on MSNBC. Mike is a popular main-stage keynote speaker on innovative entrepreneurial topics; and is the author of Get Different, Fix This Next, Clockwork, Profit First, Surge, The Pumpkin Plan, and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur.

Fabled author, Simon Sinek deemed Mike Michalowicz “…the top contender for the patron saint of entrepreneurs.”

About the podcast

Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

Meet the host

When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live...never mind love life, again.

As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies effective in doing so.

It’s not just a “think positive” method or a “go harder” approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

Connect with Melissa

Learn more at Melissa’s websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


The podcast was edited and mixed by Andrew at 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

Catch up with me on socials!




