Today's episode takes a lot of discernment. Are we co-creating, or are we co-existing? And what does that mean? In this episode, Melissa breaks it down for you.

A coaching call inspired this topic with Melissa's new women's group, Own It (see below for more information!). Understanding the difference between these two ideas is essential. Because this is something that can have an intense impact on our nervous system as we process grief, trauma, heartache, or loss.

Melissa's goal is to support all of you in getting from a space of reactionary to proactively managing and navigating anything you're going through.

Melissa starts by defining the two terms and how they often get confused. She then shares the three parts integral to co-creation: structure and mechanics, shared values, and energetics. Next, Melissa breaks down these three parts and explains how even if one part is off, it impacts co-creation. She also shares how frequently we can confuse our body's fight or flight response with something not feeling good in our body.

This is an actionable and encouraging conversation to build up yourself and your relationships.

Join Own It

If you are a woman who wants to learn how to step into your power, do the energetic work, the manifestation work, the somatic and embodiment work in your body, you should join us! Melissa learned this stuff through her grief journey. She learned that the true healing and the release and being able to have an energy that feels good for herself and the people around her came from doing the work in her body. Learn more and sign up here. It gets started in May.

About the podcast

Grief and Guts is for anyone navigating:

Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisioned

Meet the host

When Melissa Dlugolecki lost her daughter Leyden, in a case termed a catastrophe, she didn't want to live... never mind love life, again.

As a bereaved mother, when Melissa lost my daughter Leyden, she never thought she would be happy again. Melissa felt guilty when she started to smile.

​As a former educator, Melissa felt trapped by the politics, paperwork, and constricting schedule of the education system.

Yet after building a 7-figure business, traveling the world, launching a podcast, writing a book (more to come), and coaching thousands of individuals, she has found one thing to be true for all of us…

We have the power to create our own happiness, regardless of circumstances. And there are certain processes and strategies effective in doing so.

It’s not just a “think positive” method or a “go harder” approach. I intertwine a dance of intangibles around our energy management with tangibles such as action steps, communication strategies, and ways to feel our best.

Growth isn't always forward progress. It's messy. It's hard. But it is worth it. And while you work your way to whatever goal you are pursuing, just keep showing up. Life is too short to feel stuck.

Connect with Melissa

Learn more at Melissa’s websiteJoin the conversation on Instagram


The podcast was edited and mixed by Andrew at 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

Catch up with me on socials!




