“Grieving, like illness, is a rollercoaster.” This week, Halle hosts Lisa Sniderman, aka Aoede, on the Out Of Grief Comes Art podcast! They discuss Lisa’s incredible variety of creations that stemmed from the grief of her chronic illness, the artistic process, and the harsh realities of managing illness daily. Lisa Sniderman's received more than 100 accolades and awards as the artist Aoede, and is author of a powerful new spoken word musical audiobook: "The Grieving Project" (Aug 2020), all while battling a rare chronic illness for 14 years. Music is and art are her lifelines, and she obsessively creates to express, heal and empower others to grieve and thrive. Follow her online: thegrievingproject.com | Facebook: @aoedemuse @aoedemusemusic @grievingproject; IG: aoede.muse, grievingproject; twitter: @aoedemuse; Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/aoede/