Elizabeth Coplan met Noha when they were both on a panel at ReimagineNYC this fall.  Intrigued by the beauty and simplicity of the Noha’s idea, Grief Dialogues reached out to the founder for a podcast about https://www.gatheringus.com/.

Kimberly C. Paul interviewed Noha, whose large family included planning an of memorials and funerals at her home in Brooklyn, NY.  Noha felt the challenges of organizing family and friends during these difficult times and yearned for a simpler way to mobilize everyone and commemorate loved ones. She created GatheringUS to gather family and friends after the loss of a loved one to support each other and celebrate life together.  In one location, you can locate your community to support you. Set up a free obituary in 30 seconds. Quickly & easily share event details with everyone. Crowdfund for funeral expenses or charity. Create groups to coordinate logistics (food, ceremony, themes).