If y'all haven't heard of Tombstone Da Deadman before you're in for a treat, this Maryland based artist and podcaster has top tier conscious lyricism along with vivid storytelling. Today we mostly focused on the state of the world and personal histories before taking a hard turn (I'm not saying left or right cause I don't want y'all reading into it) down Politics Boulevard. 

To learn more about Tombstone listen to his music here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4ZB6SmxjaVFqfqZiXJKEcS?si=A8CaJ4_ZSFi5WsUK_S6zpA

His podcast here https://open.spotify.com/show/15V1QypHiI72w8z7HYxA0E?si=D_7Ho6dMSbm-IufaQcJSbg

And follow him on IG @Reaperverse