Green Team Academy Podcast with Joan Gregerson: Episode 57
Tune in to hear my interview with second-grade teacher Anese Forsyth. Learn how Anese started recycling in her 2nd grade bilingual classroom in Reagan Elementary and how it soon spread to become a resource for the entire community.

Visit Green Team Academy for complete show notes and resource links.


Meet Anese!
Anese attributes her passion for nature to her parents. Anese was raised in Pakistan and in Latin America. "It made us appreciate the world as entire planet and how amazing it is." said Anese. "We're not all that different."

Anese has been a teacher for 28 years and previously helped with a garden at her previous school. Anese began working at Reagan Elementary with Ector County Independent School District in Odessa, TX in 2016. Anese teaches in a bilingual second-grade class. The kids in the classroom are Spanish speakers, mostly from rural areas.



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Recycling at Reagan Elementary
Anese started by reading books to her kids, including The Lorax and The Wump World. This set the foundation of why it's important to care for the planet.

Next, Anese helped her kids start recycling plastic bottles, from their school breakfasts. Anese explained to the kids, "This plastic is from fossil fuels, a natural resource that comes from the ground. We live in the Permian basin. This is why many of your parents have a job. We need to conserve this precious natural resource." She then added recycling of cardboard, paper and aluminum in the classroom.

From there, Anese coordinated with her principal, Mr. Wayne Squires, to get approval to expand the recycling program schoolwide. "It's important to have the support of your principal, custodians, teachers and parents."

Anese's journey with recycling follows what many teachers do. She started by buying her own bins for her classroom. From there, she went out and found several partner organizations that each supported the program:

Advice for Others
Asked what advice she would give to a teacher who want to start something similar in the schools in their community, Anese said,

Have a big idea of what you want to do, but start small with your classroom. Change the routine to include recycling, and let the kids cycle through so they all learn how to do it. Be able to motivate people and encourage people. rather than pushing people to do something they don't want to do. Be ready to support them when they're ready to change. Be positive, helpful and patient! Use social media to highlight progress and generate interest. Remind your students that they are leaders, and that they will take care of the planet going forward. Don't give up! Be the light. Be the change.
Future of Recycling in Odessa


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