Ashley interviews Margaret Nichols of Urban Oneness about her powerful healing work. Oneness helps people to become free from interferences of the mind and attack their health and life changes head on! This is one of our most interesting interviews yet.


Things discussed in this episode:

What is "oneness" and how is it similar to Deeksha blessings? Is oneness religious? Meditation for lazy people? Is this the thing for you if you're not into meditation? How does quantum physics help us understand Deeksha? Mags shares her story of studying in India and how Deeksha connected her to the divine How does oneness help heal physical issues? Mags shares Tony Robbin's story and how it changed his wife's life.  Oneness and how it helps thebody release it's own healing power.
How does oneness help move people forward in their careers? What actually goes on a a Deeksha blessing? Touching? Dance music? You'll be surprised!


Links mentioned:
Margaret' website

GITNB Podcast Playlist

Fortune Magazine's Tony Robbins article


About the guest:

Margaret Nichols: NYC Oneness Maven. Founder of Urban Oneness. Creator of the Mystic Mastermind. Author, speaker, spiritual teacher. Awakening evolution in business + life.