Medical Marijuana expert, Dr. Rachna Patel joins the pod this week to share the surprising healing benefits of this controversial plant. She'll fill us on her own journey into this work, and the benefits she sees for everything from anxiety to cancer symptoms. Dr. Patel will also weigh in on wether medical marijuana is addictive and if it's safe for kids.    Things discussed:   - Dr. Patel addresses the perception of her work and how she first shared it with her family   - The history of marijuana and when it became taboo    - What forms can medical marijuana be prescribed in?   -  Is it safe for children?   - Medical marijuana use for anxiety, arthritis and cancer symptoms   - How to avoid overuse or addiction    - Where to get medical marijuana and how who exactly is allowed to dispense medical marijuana?        Links mentioned: Dr. Patel's website Like Dr. Patel on facebook Learn more from Dr. Patel on Youtube