Ashley interviews her former health coaching client Lizzy Goddard, Founder of The Pillow Fort a site that aims to make chronic illness suck less for young adults. Lizzy share's her story of chronic illness after being a high level athlete and how she's recovered over the past year. Check out Things Lizzy Loves a guide to the online resources that have motivated Lizzy to make massive changes in her life and health over the past few years.

Check out Things Lizzy Loves a guide to the online resources that have motivated Lizzy to make massive changes in her life and health over the past few years. Snag your guide here.


Things discussed in this episode:

Lizzy's journey from high level teenage athlete to bed-bound twenty something with a string of chronic illnesses
The birth of the Pillow Fort Why she believes you can have fun  in spite of having a chronic illness
How her "doer" mentality helps keep her positive.
Does being interested in "woo-woo" stuff conflict with being an atheist and loving science?
What would Lizzy would say to to skeptics that your mindset can effect your health?
Lizzy's toolkit to feel better when things get hard.

Why she decided to financially invest in coaching
Why Lizzy stopped watching the news



Links mentioned:

Lizzy's website
The Pillow Fighter's Club facebook community
Hay House World Summit
Tara Bliss
Gabby Bernstein's book May Cause Miracles
Conquering Fear Spiritually
Dr. Lissa Rankin's book Mind Over Medicine

Green Is the New Black interview with Denise Duffield-Thomas

The Greenlight Sessions with Ashley


About the guest:


Lizzy Goddard is the founder of The Pillow Fort, a glorious chronic illness-positivity-thriving-youngish people hybrid-fusion-mix thing. After realising that wallowing in chronic illness communities just made her feel worse, she’s now on a mission to make chronic illness suck less through fun and positivity. The Pillow Fort consists of a digital magazine, a community, blog, a shop selling physical products and more.