Leadership coach and founder of Global Sisterhood Day Nisha Moodley shares her passion for creating a safe sisterhood for women around the world. Nisha explains her inspiration for her guiding principle "The world will be set free by women who are free, and sisterhood is the key".


Things discussed in this episode:

What is "sisterhood and how has the meaning changed over the years?
Why is sisterhood so important for women?
Nisha's plan to bring together thousands of women on March 18th for Global Sisterhood Day
Stories from Global sisterhood day 2015
What type of women joins in a sister circle? Find out if it's for yo!
How can Green Is the New Black listeners help sponsor a women to join a sister circle?
Ashley has a major announcement!

Links mentioned:
Find a Global Sisterhood Day event near you **

Donate to sponsor a women for Global Sisterhood Day **

Nisha's website **

RSVP and join Ashley's sister circle in NYC (space is limited) **

Ashley's new program Starting Now **



About the guest:

Nisha Moodley is a Women’s Leadership Coach and the creator of FIERCE FABULOUS FREE, The Freedom Mastermind & The Freedom Sisterhood. Inspired by the belief that the world will be set free by women who are free & sisterhood is key to a woman’s freedom, Nisha creates communities of ambitious women to support them in redesigning their lives & businesses. Find her online at NishaMoodley.com and download her free Take Flight Action Guide, to explore the next expansion of your freedom, at TakeFlightActionGuide.com.
