Ashley interviews Lindsey Parsons, co-director of Real Food for Kids Montgomery on how she grew a small group of concerned parents into a volunteer network of hundreds. They're now working together to get healthier foods and snacks into schools. Learn how you can start a similar movement.


In this episode you'll learn:

How to build a network among schools throughout your district What is "school food activism" and how does it differ from the work of TV personality Jamie Oliver. Did he have an unfair advantage? How to deal with push back from other parents What one local school did to win the award for "Most Improved School" Did the kids actually eat their new healthier options? What some teachers are doing that undermines the healthy snack options



Links mentioned:

Real Food for Kids Montgomery Website

GITNB Podcast Playlist


About the guest:


Lindsey Parsons is the co-founder and co-director of Real Food for Kids - Montgomery, a parent advocacy organization fighting for healthier foods in the Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland. Her background is international education but she has always been passionate about school food and finally did something about it after moving to Takoma Park, Maryland and being contacted by another parent who saw a letter she wrote on the topic. She also works part-time at Georgetown University in the Center for Australian, New Zealand and Pacific Studies.