Previous Episode: Truth and Lies - Audio

Legacy is a pretty intense word. How do we go about “leaving a lasting legacy”? It sounds impossible! Not to mention, it makes us think of a time we won’t be here anymore, and no one likes that.To theApostle John, legacy seems to be about one thing: his children walkingin the truth. Nothing would bring him greater joy. No other legacy matters for us either. And we’re not only talking about the kids in your house. You don’t have to have kids to leave a legacy, but you do have to be a father or mother. You have to intentionally reach out to those younger in the faith to become their spiritual mother or father. But how do we do this? How do we leave behindkids that walk in the truth? The Apostle John gives us a few keys to that. If we’re going to accomplish this, 1) we’ll have to realize that the spiritual far outweighs the physical. We tend to spend all our energyon making sureour kids are materially and physically comfortable before we die, but legacyis about souls not comfort. 2) We’ll have to support Truth with our money. What we support with our finances reveals what we believe in our heart, and our children are watching to see if we’ll walk in the truth when it counts. 3) We’ll have to do more than just talk about what is good. We’ll have to imitate it. Our children –spiritual and actual –are imitating what we do. Our only hope in leading them the right way is to imitate Christ