Previous Episode: Truth and Love - Audio
Next Episode: Truth & Legacy - Audio

There are so many lies being told that it’s hard to figure out the truth a lot of times. The fact that more people believe in some idea than don’t has no bearing on whether that idea is true or not. God will not be bullied. The truth is important not just for an increase in knowledge on your part or some level jump in the faith. It’s important because of the lies! You have to do more than just know the truth. You have to guard it, because the devil’s tactic is not to know you well enough to deceive you. It’s to throw so many lies at you that you lose track of what’s true; so many different paths that you forget what path you were on to begin with. There is no such thing as new truth. Truth has a source. The path has a beginning. The key is not to study the new truths, it’s to abide in the Old Truth. Be so passionate about the Old Truth that the new “truth” doesn’t even catch your eye. That’s the way you remain on the narrow path to the narrow door that few will enter.